
Tuesday, August 18, 2020

RootsMagic 8 is in Beta Testing

Here is an update on the progress on RootsMagic 8 from an email notice I received:

We've been so busy working on RootsMagic 8 that we've neglected to post any updates on our progress over the last few weeks. While we've been sharing videos and tidbits via email and social media, we realized that we needed to pull these recent updates into one place to better communicate with all of our users.

The Testing Continues 
We have many users who have been using RootsMagic 8, reporting bugs, and giving suggestions. In order to start testing the software, a user first agrees not to disclose to others about their experience or even that they are a tester. So for those that aren't testing, it feels like everything is very quiet in regards to RootsMagic 8 while those that are testing are actually very busy and active. We gradually add more users to our testing pool so as not to overwhelm the process. Many of you have already volunteered to test the software and- if you aren't already doing so- we hope to give you the opportunity soon.

Writing software is sometimes more of an art than a science. All of those who use RootsMagic will be happy to see the update.  

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Two Valuable Research Tools on FamilySearch: The Family Tree Map and The FamilySearch Places Tool

There are a number of helpful tools on the website that you may never have used or even seen. The Family Tree Map is one of those relatively obscure tools. You can find it by clicking on the link to the Time Line on the detail page of each person on the Family Tree. Here is a screenshot showing the link.

Once you are viewing the timeline, the map is pretty obvious. 

What is not obvious is what the map can do for you. The reason for this is that this map is not the map for the FamilySearch Places Tool. Where is the FamilySearch Places Tool? The answer is "You can't get there from here." Astoundingly, there are no links from the website to the Places Tool. You get there by entering this link: By the way, there are a number of other such tools and pages that are not linked from the main website. The only link I have found so far is in the site map located at the bottom of the startup page and a few other pages. Here is a screenshot of the bottom of the startup page showing the link to the site map.

Once you are looking at the site map, you might notice an entry named "Places." That is the link. Here is another screenshot of the site map page with an arrow to the Places link. 

Now, read the article linked at the beginning of this post to see how to use the Places Tool. It really is useful. By the way, you might want to click on some of the other links on the site map to see what other surprises await you on the FamilySearch website. 

Friday, August 14, 2020

Fixing Family Tree Data Problems

Fixing problems in the Family Tree is one of my most common topics. It is always a good idea to consider alternative points of view. I thought this post by FamilySearch was timely and appropriate. You should take the time to read it and follow the well-taken suggestions.