
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Read the Manual. Take the Training.

I am always fairly surprised at the number of times the answers to questions are "in the manual." This morning I had the experience of talking to a newly minted High Councilor who said he was "over Family History" in the Stake. I asked him if he had been given instruction about the duties of the High Councilors and he answered that he had not. It was my guess that who ever called him to the position also did not know about either the manual or the training materials.

Here is a screen shot from that has links to the training materials for "Family History Calling Resources." This page is found by clicking on the "Resources" link at the top of the startup page and then selecting Family History resources. Here is the screenshot showing the bottom of the page:

Clicking on this link takes you to another page listing each of the levels of callings in the Family History. Here is another screenshot:

You can always click on an image to see it enlarged. Here are links to each of the separate callings: Family History Consultant, Stake Indexing Director, Family History Center Director, Area Family History Advisor, FamilySearch Support Missionary and Stake and Ward Leaders.

You can also register to receive the My Family History newsletter. So, if you are in a Family History calling in your Ward or Stake. Please take the time to tell anyone associated with the callings that the training is on

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