
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Who can get lists of Stake, District, Ward or Branch members registered in FamilySearch programs?

I realize the title to this post is quite long, but it asks a question that has been coming up lately in our Ward discussions. There is a Help Center document addressing this very issue. The questions it addresses are the following:
  • How can I get a list of members who are registered in new FamilySearch in my stake, district, ward, or branch?
  • Can I get a list of my ward members who are registered in new
  • How can I get a list of members who are registered in in my ward or branch?
  • How can I register all my ward members for new FamilySearch?
  • How can I get a list of members who are registered for an LDS Account in my ward?
Quoting from the answer, we find that this access is allowed through proper Priesthood channels. Here is the answer from the Product Support portion of Get Help:
There is not a way to obtain a list of members who have registered in new FamilySearch or

You can find a list of your local ward Family History Consultants in the Help Center under the Local Assistance Tab.

You can obtain a list of those who have registered at or for consultant mailings and for training in the Help Center of new FamilySearch from an Area Family History Adviser. This list contains Family History Consultants, priesthood leaders, family history center directors, assistant family history directors, and others who have registered at or These lists are usually provided to stake and ward priesthood leaders only.
It is possible for authorized members to obtain a list of those who have obtained an LDS Account. Most stake presidency members, district presidencies, bishoprics, branch presidencies, high priest group leaders and elders quorum presidents have access to what is called “Administrator Options” on to enable them to add information and other content to their individual unit websites. The stake, district, ward, or branch website administrator also has the same authority. Those who have this authority can access this list by signing into their own stake, district, ward, or branch website and then, in the blue area to the left, scrolling down and clicking on a small box called ‘Administrator Options’. Once that screen opens, they can scroll down in the green area and click on ‘Registered Users’. This will open a list of members in the unit who have an LDS Account. Because a member has an LDS Account doesn’t necessarily mean that these individuals have signed in to new FamilySearch. It only means that they have a user name and password to enable them to do so.
Other information, such as reports on the number of people volunteering for Indexing etc. can also be obtained through proper channels. This particular answer refers to, which, of course, has now been made READ ONLY.


  1. As a Family History Center Director, I occasionally feel the need to communicate learning opportunities to Family History Consultants in the stake who are not part of our Family History Center staff. I do not have access to the sources of the lists you mention here but I do have access to the ward & stake directory on, as well as the LDS Tools app on my iPad. If a ward or branch clerk uploads the names of Family History Consultants to their list of Callings, I can see them there for the whole stake. If even some keep their list up to date, it is better than nothing.

    1. Your instructions for accessing a list of 'Registered Users' with LDS accounts seems to refer to the older (retired) website. I found this (bad news) at

      Re: Ward Website Administrator Fix accounts
      #2Postby russellhltn » Sun Jan 19, 2014 12:12 pm

      look4rainbows wrote:
      I used to be able to access everyone's accounts and see their username. Where is that list now?

      [ Reply: ]
      It died with LUWS, the 1.0 version of the ward website.
