
Friday, February 14, 2014

Changing your FamilySearch Public Account to an LDS Member Account

In a recent blog post Steve Anderson of gave some basic instructions about how to go about changing a FamilySearch Public account to an LDS Member Account. It should be noted that the way FamilySearch designates these accounts has changed from time to time.It appears that the current name for people who obtain an account who are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are referred to as having an "LDS Member Account" and those who are not members of the Church now have what is called an "FamilySearch Public Account."
The article is entitled "Change a FamilySearch Public Account to an LDS Member Account." The post sets forth a number of reasons why this might be needed:
  • I registered for a FamilySearch account when I was not a member of the Church and have since been baptized.
  • I registered for a FamilySearch account without my membership number.
  • How can I update my FamilySearch account to add my membership number?
  • Can I change my FamilySearch public account to an LDS account?
  • When trying to log in to the new FamilySearch, I am getting the error: “Your account is not ready.”
  • I have been registered and using new FamilySearch fine, but now when I attempt to sign in, I get the message new FamilySearch is not available in your area.
Users typically do not have a LDS member account if:
  • During the registration process, they indicated that they were not a member of the LDS Church.
  • When creating a LDS member account, they indicate that they are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint but did not provide their membership number. This is often the case when they don’t have their membership number with them at the time they create their account and they don’t want to wait until they have that information to create an account.
The article goes on to explain how the process works in changing an account from a FamilySearch Public Account to an LDS Member Account. Please see the article for the full explanation.

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