
Thursday, February 6, 2014

#RootsTech 2014 -- The #InnovatorSummit and member access to et al.

Today is the first day of RootsTech 2014. Most of my reporting will be on my Genealogy's Star blog. But I will try to make a few comments here on this blog about things that may impact members of the Church directly.

I have asked repeated about the rumored ability of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to have access to, and Don Anderson, Senior Vice President of Patron Services for FamilySearch, formally announced that members will have free full subscriptions to all three of these databases. But the timing for this is not yet announced. The access is expected to happen "later this year." Do not call FamilySearch and ask. They will announce the date when this is possible and when it happens.

Don explained that members would be able to use, and MyHeritage in their research with access to the FamilySearch Family Tree. He mentioned "collaborative family trees."

I am sure there will be a lot more said and written about this subject before it becomes completely explained and a date is set for the transition. I repeat, do not call FamilySearch about this subject. They will not tell you anything more than I have already said.

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