
Friday, April 25, 2014

Media Tools for Family History

Not all of the instructional materials for family history are on also has a substantial library of helpful videos. You can click here to go to the site or search on for "family history" as part of the Media Library. Here is a screenshot of the resources:

In addition, a valuable set of instructions created by Elder Moon, an instructor and volunteer at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. This set of online lessons includes a "sandbox" or place where you can safely practice the instruction. Here is a screenshot of the links to the various lessons:

At the bottom of the page, there are links to the various sandbox exercises:

Most of the common questions about the program can also be answered using the Reference Guide. It is officially, "Using the FamilySearch Family Tree: A Reference Guide (18 October 2013)." Here is a copy of the cover from a screenshot:

Of course, I have also mentioned that many of the changes to the program are chronicled in the FamilySearch Blog.

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