
Sunday, April 27, 2014

More Updates and Additions from FamilySearch

From time to time the FamilySearch Blog posts additions and updates to the website. These are posted to the Blog site but from time to time, I like to post them here on my blog to keep my readers current. Here is an updated list of the blog posts about changes to the program:
You might also note the following blog post entitled "Tracking Growth in Ward Temple Submitters." As the post states:
The ward quarterly report has always been a tool to help bishops get a more complete picture of critical activities in their wards. This report now has two new pieces of useful information that will be of interest to family history consultants. The two new pieces of information are:
  • Percentage of adults and youth (12 years and older) who have submitted a name to the temple.
  • Percentage of new converts who have submitted a name to the temple.
A submitter is defined as someone 12 years old or older who either prints a Family Ordinance Request (FOR) or sends a name to a temple in the last 12 months. Simply reserving a name in Family Tree is not counted as a temple submission. The submitter rate is calculated by taking the number of submitters 12 years old and older and dividing that number by the total number of ward members 12 years old and older. 
Bishops can share this temple submission information with the ward council and use it to help evaluate how family history efforts are doing in the ward. The high priests group leader can then work closely with family history consultants to use this information to evaluate and plan efforts related to family history.
If you are in a Family History position in your Ward, you just might ask your Bishop and your High Priest Group Leader if they are aware of the new reports.

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