
Friday, August 1, 2014

Spiritual Passport

Elder Allan F. Packer of the Seventy has said that "There is a spiritual passport needed by every person on earth to qualify for exaltation. To enter, all the criteria must be met." Following this lead, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has designed a graphic "Spiritual Passport" that summarizes what Elder Packer has to say in his talk at RootsTech 2014 in February. Here is a screenshot of the two sides of the Passport:

The reverse side is as follows:

You can click on the images to see them enlarged.

Elder Packer made the following comment about what it took to have success in the Ward with family history:
We found a number of proven tips from surveying Bishops. The Family History Department has researched what wards with high family history activity rates are doing. The following is the list of what was found. Where were doing 5 of the 7 of these things the rate of temple activity was about double the average ward.
  1. The “To Turn the Heart” guidebook is a core in the ward plan. The ward council develops and works their plan.
  2. Youth are called as family history consultants.
  3. There are three or more active family history consultants.
  4. Youth took family names on temple trips. The First Presidency have encouraged youth to always take family names or the names of other ward or stake members to the temple.
  5. Consultants helped members at least monthly.
  6. Consultants met with priesthood leaders at least monthly.
  7. Consultants helped new converts at least monthly.
This is a pretty simple check list to see if the Ward in on the right track.  


  1. I saw this again in 2015's leadership session. I was wondering how to get a copy of this passport. Any idea?

