
Friday, September 26, 2014

All the Links in the Chain must be Strong

By Toni Lozano [CC-BY-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
The Leader's Guide to Temple and Family History Work, To Turn the Hearts clearly outlines the responsibilities of each of the links in the leadership chain that extends from the Area Leadership to the individual member of each Ward. Quoting from the Leader's Guide:
Priesthood leaders provide doctrinal and administrative direction to temple and family history work. Their direction is essential to lead members to the temple through family history efforts. They teach members and encourage them to attend the temple and participate in family history work. See page 3
Starting from the Area Leadership each of the links in this chain of responsibility should be involved in this important work. As the Leader's Guide states:
Area family history advisers work closely with the Area Seventies and coordinating councils. Generally, priesthood holders or couples are called to serve as area family history advisers. The Church’s Family History Department provides orientation and training for the new advisers. See page 22
However, the Area Advisers cannot do their job without the support and cooperation of the Stake Presidents. Here is an outline of the Stake Presidents' responsibility:
The stake president presides over the work of salvation in the stake, which includes temple and family history work. Stake presidents can use temple and family history work as a way to strengthen members and their families. Stake presidents consider ways to use family history to help with missionary work, convert retention, member activation, and teaching the gospel.  See page 6.
This chain of responsibility extends to the High Councilor, each High Priest Group Leader, the Bishops, Family History Consultants and ultimately, each member of the Church.

We have a common saying that refers to the "weak link." If you find yourself in one of these leadership positions, do you want to become the weak link?

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