
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Finding FamilySearch Certified Products

From time to time, adds to or changes their list of Certified Products. These are products that interact, to some degree or another, with's Family Tree program. The format of the list of Certified Programs has been changing dramatically over the past few months but the location of the list has remained the same. There is a link on the start up page, down at the bottom of the page. The link is the word "About." If you scroll to the bottom of the page you will see the following, shown in this screenshot:

Most of the graphics on the Startup (Home) page are context sensitive. That means the photos and such that show on my page will be different than those shown on your page, but the links will be the same.

Clicking on the link takes you to another page. Here is a screenshot showing the link to the Products page:

You might want to explore some of the other links also. Clicking on the Products Page link finally brings you to the page as shown below:

You can also get to this same page by typing in  .

I am not sure what they mean by "More Family History Products" since this is the only list I am aware of, but that is the name of the page. There are several tabs at the top of the lists:
  • Web
  • Windows
  • Mac OS X
  • Mobile

These tabs separate out the programs into general categories. Clicking on the icon for any one of the programs will give you a page describing a specific program. For example, by clicking on the icon for Ancestral Quest, I get the following page:

I do not normally do software reviews. If you would like to see a good place to see such reviews, I suggest

If you click around on the tab links and look at all of the pages, you will see that there are, at the time of this post, about 43 programs, although the number changes frequently. Some of these programs are highly specialized and only work with a particular hardware product, such as the scanning utilities for ScanPro, ST ViewScan Premium and Kodak WebUploader. 

There are different levels of certification such as Tree Share, Sources, Discussions, Change History, LDS Features. There used to be an explanation of these different levels of Certification, but that explanation has disappeared from the website. These are commercial programs and although some of the Web apps are free, they may only work with their companion program. You need to examine the descriptions of the products and click on the links to the product websites to see a full explanation of what each of the programs will do. Support for these programs, if there is any, is not provided by FamilySearch. Support is provided by the individual developers.

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