
Sunday, October 5, 2014

What about weak links in the family history leadership chain in the Ward or Stake?

I received a comment to a recent blog post that pointed out that there were problems in the Ward when there was a weak links in the chain of leadership for family history. The chain of leadership as outlined in the Leader's Guide to Temple and Family History Work: To Turn the Hearts involves the following Ward and Stake leaders:

  • Stake President
  • High Councilor assigned to Temple and Family History Work
  • Bishop
  • High Priests Group Leader
  • Ward Family History Consultant
On the Area level, the Presidency of the Seventy or Area Presidency oversee temple and family 

history work and Area Family History Advisers work closely with the Area Seventies and coordinating councils. 

But what if those who fulfill these callings are not interested in family history and do not follow the guidance of the Leader's Guide. The key to solving this situation is contained in the Leader's Guide. As the Leader's Guide states on page 3:
Priesthood leaders provide doctrinal and administrative direction to temple and family history work. Their direction is essential to lead members to the temple through family history efforts.  They teach members and encourage them to attend the temple and participate in family history work.
 Each of the leaders have specific responsibilities. These responsibilities include:

  • State presidents hold the keys for this work and therefore preside over and correct Temple and family history efforts in the stake.
  • Bishops hold the keys for this work and therefore direct Temple and family history efforts in the ward.
  • High priest group leaders have the primary responsibility to coordinate the ward council's efforts to encourage and enable temple and family history work in the ward.
 But as the Leader's Guide states family history consultants help ward leaders learn about family history so they can share it with those they serve. So, with kindness and patience the Ward family history consultants should reach out to the leaders by:
  • Helping them work on their own family history so they can perform temple ordinances for their deceased relatives.
  • Demonstrating how family history can help them in their callings to minister to those they serve.
See that Leaders Guide page 20. So the key to addressing a perceived weak link is for the family history consultants to do their job as diligently as possible. If the family history consultants feel inadequate, they can seek training online from the extensive resources on

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