
Saturday, November 1, 2014

Moving sources from to Family Tree

Presently, all of the valuable sources being found by' Record Match and Record Detective programs cannot be transferred directly from that program to's Family Tree. Of course, it is always possible to copy the sources manually, one entry field at a time. But there is a way to speed up this process considerably.

To transfer the sources directly from to FamilySearch Family Tree you will need to download a browser app from called Tree Connect. You can "install" the app in your browser, such as Chrome, FireFox etc. Detailed instructions for installing the app appear on the website. Once the app is installed, it appears as an option in the browser's bookmarks toolbar. Here is a screenshot showing the app installed in the Chrome browser. All you really have to do is drag the green button up to the browser bar.

Now, lets' suppose the Record Match program finds a record for one of your ancestors. Here is an example of a U.S. Census Record found for an cousin, in this case, Wilma Belle Linton. This is a screenshot of the U.S. Census record in

Before going any further, it is important to determine if the individual in FamilySearch Family Tree already has this particular source and also copy the target person's PID number. The number will be used to copy the information to the FamilySearch Family Tree record. I also highlight any information in the record that I want inclueded in the Tree Connect source citation. Then, I click on the Tree Connect app link.

After signing into Family Tree, the copied information will then be saved directly to the person in the Family Tree after clicking on the Save button and entering the persons PID number. When you return to Family Tree, you will be able to see the source after your refresh the screen.

Remember to highlight any portion of the record you wished copied and also remember to check to make sure the record is not already in Family Tree.

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