
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Add Family History to your Stake's Youth Conference

The LDS Media Talk blog by Larry Richman, had a feature article entitled, "How to Add Family History to an LDS Youth Conference." (Note: the links from the post seem to come out in French) I have heard several references recently to Stakes that have done just that. Many of the activities have been associated with a "Trek" activity, where the youth in the Stake participate in a pioneer reenactment activity.  There are a number of useful suggestions in the following links.

I realize that many Stake Youth Activities are scheduled on an every two-year basis or even longer, so including a family history theme may be a long-term project. I suggest that whenever the planning begins for the next cycle, that the idea of incorporating youth in a family history activity or even having the entire youth conference theme based around family history will become a huge influence for good in the lives of the youth. 

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