
Friday, July 24, 2015

Happy Pioneer Day 2015

Pioneer Day is all about family history. My daughter Amy has posted an interesting story about an encounter with a bear called, "Sidney's Little White Cur Dog Saves a Life" you might want to read. But better yet, you might want to find a story about your own pioneer ancestors. As Amy's post mentions, this story and many others are on the Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel website.

As an example, here are some of the resources taken from the entries for my Great-great-grandfather Sidney Tanner:
Here is a quote from the Caroline Barnes Crosby Journal for a further example:
Saturday June 17th arrived at the ferry[.] had to wait untill Sunday morn [Nelson] Merkl[e]y and [Solomon] Conly gave over[.] our turn comes next. Found Samuel Richards and wife just came over from the other side[.] going down 60 miles in Mo to live on a farm, he has lat[e]ly returned from Europe on a 2 years mission, had the small pox[.] is quite disfigured with it, her health very poor[.] had the chills and fever for sometime. The wind rises[.] begins to rain[.] feer it will be bad eroding, went into the stor this morn in co with sis [Sarah] Merkl[e]y, found nothing that I wanted.
Sunday evening arrived safely at winter quarters[.] called at br Hewitts, staid, till towards night, came up to the camping ground, stoped near an old chimney where they told us John Parker formerly lived.
Monday washed
Tuesday commenced braiding a hat.
Wednesday made crackers.
Thursday rainy day, cold and unpleasant, felt sick all day in consequence of the hard days work the day before,
friday finished my hat, sis Merkl[e]y and I took a walk about town[.] Called at Phinehas [Phineas] Richards[.] saw P. Johnsons, Also called at Nathan Tanners[.] had quite an agreeable time.
On the same page here is a list of the related people:
[Brother] Lucas
Homer Duncan
You just might want to have a story or two to tell this 24th of July. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. James, I enjoyed this story about the bear and my ancestor Homer Duncan, which I had never heard before. Thank you for posting it! I have passed it around our family now.
