
Thursday, October 8, 2015

Ancestor dies from lion bite -- Family History and Newspapers

Although the number of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who had ancestors who "crossed the plains" as pioneers, is dropping as the total membership of the Church increases, there are still a lot of people who find that they have one or more "pioneer" ancestors. This is true even for those members who are now scattered across the world.

One fascinating source of information for those whose ancestors passed through Utah is the Utah Digital Newspaper Project. This is one of the most extensive such free projects in the U.S. In doing a recent search, I found this article about one of my uncles, Roland Ray Tanner, the brother of my great-grandfather Henry Martin Tanner.
R. R. TANNER DIES FROM INJURIES R. R. Tanner, 66, 304 Herbert avenue, special policeman, died Saturday afternoon at his home as the result of being bitten by a lion in Liberty park last Saturday during the Lindbergh celebration. Scores of persons were horrified at the time when Tanner, reaching through the bars to pet the beast, was suddenly attacked. Instead of offering his mane, the animal bared his teeth in anger and with a roar sank them into the officer's hands and tried to draw him within reach of the vicious claws. A second animal started forward and was about to join in the attack when a man, whose identity was never learned, seized an iron bar that was lying near and came to Tanner's assistance. He succeeded in beating the enraged beasts until they withdrew and the victim was released. Tanner was rushed to the emergency hospital and though he had suffered somewhat from shock and the loss of blood, it was believed he would recover. Infection set in however, and he died, despite every effort to save his life. In political activities he served as county attorney of Beaver county, sheriff of Beaver county, chief deputy United States marshal for the Second judicial district of Utah, in 1894 and 1895. He was elected state senator from the Eleventh senatorial district and was twice appointed to serve as a member of the state board of equalization. Later he became chairman of the Democratic party of Beaver county. Impressive funeral services were held at Beaver Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock in the East ward chapel under the direction of the Deseret mortuary. Prayers were made by O. A. Murdock and Walter S. Tolton. Music was furnished by a mixed quartet. Solos were sung by Miss Lucile Huntington and Gps Fernley The speakers were J. F. Tolton and George Parkinson. The chapel was filled with old friends and neighbors. The floral offerings were many and very beautiful. Interment was made at Mountain View cemetery. The grave was dedicated by Carl Tolton. Mr. Tanner is survived by his wife, Mrs. Rhoda Alice Tanner and daughters, Mrs. Zella Hatch of San Diego, Miss Iva Tanner and son Paul Tanner of Salt Lake City. Three brothers, Scot Tanner of Milford; Shep Tanner of Beaver; Henry Tanner of St. Joseph, Arizona and a sister Mrs. Julia Tyler of East Highlands, Cal. Among those who attended the services from1 here were Mr. and Mrs. Scot Tanner, Mrs. Eph Smith, Mrs. Nels Schow and Mrs. Merril Edwards.
Just think what gems might be lurking in the pages of the local Utah newspapers about your pioneer family. Try searching for them with several different names. R. R. Tanner is Roland Ray Tanner, b. 9 September 1861, d. 10 September 1927. The article was in the Beaver County News for 16 September 1927. Here is a copy of the original article;

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