
Monday, November 16, 2015 Memories Updated With Major Changes

The Memories function on the website is undergoing some major changes. These changes appeared briefly on my wife's computer but disappeared after she got a few screenshots. I found the changes on the Beta website and was able to get a few more screenshots. I am assuming that what we saw today was not the final release. But since it showed up unannounced on my wife's computer, I assume it will be rolled out, perhaps in stages, to the general public.

The biggest change, shown above in a menu shot, is that the Photos, Stories, Documents and Audio files have been consolidated into one section called the "Gallery." Here is another screenshot of the Gallery.

There are icons at the top of the page that let you choose all or some of the document formats: photos, stories, documents or audio.

Here is a copy of the startup screens, probably on the first startup.

There is an icon change for showing when a photo is not tagged.

Clicking on the little head takes you to the page to tag the photos which seems to be the same as the one we have been working with for some time.

The Gallery view seems to be a welcome change and a good step towards making the process of working with uploaded files a little easier.

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