
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Update on The Family History Guide

I have mentioned The Family History Guide several times in the past because of its innovative and organized approach to teaching about family history in general and the website, including the Family Tree program in particular. The developers, Bob Taylor and Bob Ives, are currently involved in the RootsTech 2016, Innovators Showdown. In the past, I have served as one of the judges in this event, but this year, I have no direct involvement. If you have used The Family History Guide, you might consider going to their Facebook page and clicking on the "Like" link. This might help them in the competition and it certainly won't hurt. By the way, if there are any other competitors out there that you are acquainted with, you might want to "Like" their Facebook pages also. I have always felt it was important to support genealogically related software and promote the good programs I find.

I have done some promotional work for The Family History Guide based on my evaluation of the program and the need I saw for this type of instruction. The program has made the first cut for the Innovators Showdown. There were initially 46 entries from all over the world and now there are only 22 going in to the next round. Let's see if they make the final round.

The website is constantly being updated and new features added. They are up to Update #17 that included the following:
  • Updated Projects 1, 2, and 3 with new photos and several new Goals and Choices.
  • Added content for nearly all countries. This process is ongoing for several more weeks.
  • Updated the Tracker sheets for each of these countries.
The family history community needs this kind of program to give a coherent and organized way to learn how to use all of the resources. 

1 comment:

  1. The Family History Guide is now in the semifinals for the Innovator Summit! Winner will be determined at RootsTech 2016.
