
Monday, January 11, 2016

LDS Track Schedule Announced for #RootsTech 2016

There is still time to register for the upcoming RootsTech 2016 Conference to be held in Salt Lake City, Utah at the Salt Palace on February 3rd through the 6th, 2016. The schedule for the LDS Track has been released as follows:

Session ID
Class Description (Long)
Resources for Priesthood Leaders and Ward Councils
This class is specifically for those with priesthood responsibilities over family history, but is open to everyone. Discover the resources available.
1:30 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
Find Your Ancestors in Official Church Records
Learn strategies for using new tools and records in the Church History Library to find stories, photographs, and experiences about your ancestors.
3:00 p.m.
The Joseph Smith Papers for Family Historians
Learn how family historians can use the vast treasure of original documents and primary sources found in The Joseph Smith Papers in your personal family histories. This session will highlight the tools and resources available at, including thousands of original documents, biographies, maps, charts, and more.
4:30 p.m.
Begin at the Beginning: Helping Others to Love Family History
Come get ideas for how to provide a spiritual, heart-turning experience to individuals who are new to family history. FamilySearch has uncovered a few simple things that can help or hinder those you teach to participate fully in temple service.
3:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
Helping Others to Take the Next Step
This session will introduce a few simple strategies to help individuals you teach, who are hesitant, to begin their family history. Discover new ways to invite the spirit and build confidence in those you teach.
4:30 p.m.
11:00 a.m.
LDS Welcome Session—Family History Department Vision
Come learn from the leadership of the Family History Department how you can make the most of your family history efforts. We will share with you the vision and culture needed to reach the youth. We will help you reach families. We will help you know how to reach those who have never been inclined to do their own family history work. We will share inspiring best practices and tactics that you can put into action as soon as you get back to your homes. This session is for all of you, whether you are a seasoned consultant or a mother hoping to involve your family. I’m certain you will find this session one of the best you attend at RootsTech in 2016.
12:00 p.m.
Bricks and Clicks: Making Your Family History Center Relevant
Enter the bold new frontier of multi-generational family history centers, where children, youth and adults of all ages experience the joy of discovering their family. Learn about new tools and resources available for center directors from FamilySearch.
1:30 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
Straight Talk about the State of Indexing
FamilySearch indexing and its amazing volunteers have been busily humming along for more than eight years, producing truly miraculous results and revolutionizing family history research. But technology is changing, available record collections are expanding, partnerships are growing, and the needs and expectations of patrons are shifting–so indexing is adjusting to keep pace. That means it’s time for a little straight talk about what it all means to you and those you lead. Come and you may even hear a few indexing myths debunked along the way!
3:00 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
New Possibilities with FamilySearch Partners
FamilySearch partners provide powerful tools for LDS Church members. Learn how to find and select the partner products that will meet your needs.
4:30 p.m.
11:00 a.m.

Also remember the Family Discover Day on Saturday, February 6th. Here is an update about the day's activities.
In addition to RootsTech, families and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are invited to attend Family Discovery Day on Saturday, February 6. This free one-day event is a day of inspirational messages, instructional classes, interactive activities, and exciting entertainment to help LDS members (ages 8 and up) discover and connect with their families across generations. If you cannot attend Family Discovery Day in person, you can live stream the general sessions. These sessions will be available on the Family Discovery Day page, starting at 1:00 p.m. MST.
Last year, registration was closed when it exceeded the capacity of the facility so register as soon as possible. Don't try and show up without registration.

There are also specific activities for Family History Directors. Please see the following blog post for more information.

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