
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Resource for Children added to The Family History Guide

The Family History Guide has added a valuable section dedicated to genealogical resources aimed a children and young adults. Their introduction notes as follows:
When children have enjoyable experiences in family history at an early age, they are more likely to continue with it as they grow older, and reap the benefits as they go.

Adults and older youth can guide children to success using the Children's page (this page) in The Family History Guide. Know each child's abilities and limitations as you guide them through the activities and learning process. A rich experience awaits them - and you!
The new section adds to their already rich collection of resources for genealogists and family historians of all levels. In addition, The Family History Guide has made it into the Semifinalists category in the 2016 Innovators Showdown at #RootsTech 2016. You can vote for the app of your choice at the Innovators Showdown and at the same time be entered to win an iPad.

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