
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

What are the family history callings?

You might be surprised to learn what The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints considers to be family history callings. Here is the list from the website in the Family History Callings section.
Here is a short summary of the duties of each of these callings taken from The Leader's Guide to Temple and Family History: To Turn the Hearts.

Family History Consultant
Consultants are skilled teachers who work and communicate well with others. While consultants need not be experts in family history research, they should be comfortable using the resources at and helping others use them. These FamilySearch resources include family pedigrees, historical records, and the FamilySearch Family history consultants are essential to successful family history work. They help individuals and families experience the joy of doing family history. The high priests group leader provides consultants with direction and assignments.Youth can be called to serve as consultants when their technology skills can be helpful in assisting others.  (Page 20).

High Priest Group Leader
The high priests group leader coordinates the ward council’s efforts to encourage temple and family history work in the ward. He is accountable to the bishop for the results of these efforts. He also directs the work of family history consultants. He receives assistance and training from the high councilor assigned to temple and family history work. (Page 18).
Stake Indexing Director

The stake presidency, in consultation with the high councilor, recommends an individual to be called as the stake indexing director. Assistant directors may also be called. The director trains and supports members in their indexing efforts, coordinates members’ efforts, and is given rights to the indexing program’s reports in order to keep track of the stake’s participation. The director provides regular updates on the stake indexing effort to the high councilor. (See page 9).
Family History Center Director

Family history centers are staffed by individuals who have specific skills in teaching, doing family history research, and using FamilySearch technology. Staff members include: Family history center director and assistant directors, if needed. Directors and assistant directors are recommended to serve by the stake presidency and are approved by the stake presidency and the high council. The stake presidency may ask the assigned high councilor for a recommendation. (See Page 10).
Area Family History Adviser

Area family history advisers do the following:
  • Consult with Area Seventies, stake presidencies, and high councilors on how family history can serve as a resource to help achieve overall goals for those whom they serve.
  • Provide training in temple and family history to stake leaders and others within stakes and wards.
  • Provide information to area leaders on the Church’s direction and plans for family history work.
  • Inform the Family History Department about family history needs and activities within the area and its stakes. Area family history advisers partner with the department to meet those needs. 
Area family history advisers are called to assist and train leaders and others in their family history efforts. They work with the Family History Department to meet the area’s family history needs.
FamilySearch Support Missionary
This opportunity for young and old alike allows mission service from home, part-time, with a flexible schedule. It provides a chance to make new friends and learn more about advancements in family history work. If you are unable to serve a full-time mission due to health challenges or other issues, this may be a good alternative for you.
Stake and Ward Leaders
The duties of the Stake and Ward leaders are set forth in the The Leader's Guide to Temple and Family History: To Turn the Hearts.

1 comment:

  1. Wouldn't it be nice if things really worked as outlined in the guides and manuals.
