
Thursday, February 4, 2016

#RootsTech 2016 Day Three (for me) Summing up so far

I have been as busy as usual at #RootsTech 2016. As I have mentioned previously, I am writing most of my comments on Genealogy's Star, so check there for new posts. I will try to add a few comments here from time to time. I have had some very interesting experiences this past week with the Family Tree. Here are some summary observations:

  • The so-called "green arrows" or "green Temple icons" are rapidly disappearing
  • FamilySearch is making some headway on the duplicate entry issue but is still a ways off from solving the problem completely
  • Record hints are a big topic and there will be further developments to assure that the hints are more accurately attached to individuals in the Family Tree
  • There is a huge focus on indexing more records with an emphasis on non-English records
  • The Record Hints so far have been directed to English language hints and the accuracy of the non-English Record Hints is still very low and will improve. 
  • There will be constant upgrading of all of the components of the website
Of course, more later. 

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