For some time now, I have been hearing about a forthcoming update to the FamilySearch.org Research Wiki. Recently, the FamilySearch blog posted a very short notice that stated the following:
FamilySearch Research wiki is being upgraded to the latest version and redesigned to better match the current look and feel of FamilySearch.
Why Is It Important?
Upgrading the version will give all Research wiki users access to the features currently available, and the rich text editor will again be usable in all browsers. (The rich text editor is used when you add or change information in the wiki.) Currently the rich text editor is available only in the Firefox browser. We have chosen to use the standard MediaWiki template with the update. This will allow us to quickly stay current with the latest versions and provide increased space for our articles.
I agree that it is important to upgrade the Research Wiki. I also understand the need to transition to the standard MediWiki templates. There in no need to remake the wheel when there is a good model already available. Expanding the area for pages and articles is also a good development.
Usually, about this time, I would say But... This time I have no questions to raise or comments to make. I may have more when I get into the actual program, but right now, I would like the change over to happen as soon as it is possible so we can get busy fixing any formatting problems caused by the change.
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