
Saturday, April 23, 2016

Newly Uploaded Leader Resources for Family History has a wealth of resources for every service opportunity in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Just recently, a new section was added providing "Leader Resources for Family History." I haven't seen any "official" mention of the newly added section; my wife found it mentioned in an Area Family History Adviser's newsletter. In fact, I worked my way through the "Serve and Teach" pull-down menu on the home page and then went to the link for Family History, which is not mentioned in the drop-down menu, but there is no link to the new page. There is a link to the General Conference Training in the "F" section of Gospel Topics and then you can get to the page. But it is buried right now.

The new page is more accessible if you know the link. Here is the link.

There is another valuable tool for Family History called "The Great Latter-day Work of Temples." Here is one interesting quote.
Hastening the Work on Both Sides of the Veil 
WHY THIS TOPIC MATTERS: Individuals and families receive blessings of protection. Greater conversion and retention will occur among converts, youth, young adults, and members. 
PURPOSE: When leaders and members find their ancestors, take their names to the temple, and teach others to do the same, the salvation of the living and the dead is enabled.
I will be highlighting excerpts from these new resources in the future.


  1. Here is a quick link to the new leader resources:

    This was provided at RootsTech by Merrill White in the class "Resources for Priesthood Leaders and Ward Councils.

    1. Thanks Amy. We sometimes need GPS to get into and

  2. This is great news! Thanks for sharing.
