
Saturday, May 28, 2016

FamilySearch Update for May 2016

From time to time, posts an update on their blog. The month's "What's New on FamilySearch -- May 2016" is rather short. The main point this month is summarized as follows:
We only have a few new features this month because we’re working on significant improvements to FamilySearch. While the improvements are being tested, there may be a few times when the system will not be available. We have scheduled times when few users access the system. We hope you will be as excited about the improvements as we are. You’ll hear more in future editions of What’s New.
This is not news to those of us who use the program almost daily. They have been struggling for some time with keeping the website operational. We hope that this is a symptom of the development needed to detach the program from, but that may be too much to hope.

The rest of the changes are minor fixes. We can now watch Tip Videos full screen. The Tips appear as a little light bulb icon in the lower right of the screens on the website.

The next was a cosmetic fix to the tagging tools for Memories. They added an outline to the tagging tool for more contrast to the items being tagged.

The last change was very much needed by those of us with a large number of Memory documents. The program now goes back to the Memory or document you started from. Before, the program went back to the beginning of all your Memories, forcing you to scroll back through the Memories until you found where you were working. A small change, but a real time saver.

I am still looking forward to the real announcement that we can do all the merging needed to clean up the Family Tree.

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