
Monday, May 16, 2016

How accurate are my family lines on the FamilySearch Family Tree?

I decided I would do an "audit" of the entries on the Family Tree. I would go back on each family line and estimate the accuracy of each generation from 1 to 10, with 10 being extremely well sourced and complete to 1 being pure fantasy. I was interested to see how many generations were believable on each of the lines. Of course, we are talking about powers of 2 (2, 4, 8, 16, etc.) so the number of people involved in this study will get complicated.

In addition to having a lot of relatives in the Family Tree because of my Utah and Arizona pioneer ancestry, I have been actively adding my own family lines to what became the Family Tree for over 33 years. In addition, we had several very active genealogists in the family that contributed a lot of the information that went into the Family Tree.

I am guessing that as I do this "study" I will find some interesting insights into the reliability of the Family Tree. But we shall see. I plan to report my progress since I am guessing the given my schedule of presentations I need to prepare, that it will take me some time to complete.

Stay tuned.

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