
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Save Your Stuff App

There are now 123 apps (or programs) listed in the App Gallery. Among the newer items is one called "Save Your Stuff." This website is essentially an offer for a free book called "Save Your Stuff, Collection Care Tips." Written by Scott M. Haskins, a preservation specialist, the book is advertised as follows:
  • Full of videos, photos and fun stories to make learning easy. A $27 value!!
  • Cheap, easy and fun techniques to make immediate progress at no cost.
  • Includes FREE continuing education – you get easy tips and lots of help.
  • Nothing to buy, no credit card.
  • Not a “report” or a pamphlet but a full sized book download for continual reference
  • A valuable gift from your genealogical research and records company to help you save and preserve YOUR history... with no strings attached. YOURS 100% FREE!
Of course, this is really an advertising ploy. But not all advertising ploys are bad. In this case the book is real. It comes in PDF file format and has 215 pages. The book raises a lot of conservation issues and gives some real advice. This is an interesting direction for FamilySearch to take.

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