
Saturday, May 14, 2016

The Family History Guide Webinar Posted

The Brigham Young University Family History Library has just posted "The Family History Guide: Part 1 Introduction and Projects 1-3 by Bob Taylor."

Here is a quote from the Friends of The Family History Guide newsletter about the webinar.
Last Wednesday was a new milestone for us. We broadcast our first ever webinar. The webinar was sponsored by the BYU Family History Library and was the first in an upcoming series on the Guide. The webinars may be viewed either on the BYU FHL website or on

The second in the series will be broadcast at 6:00pm MST June 8, on the BYU FHL website. It will be available the next day on as will all of our webinars. These webinars provide an additional level of training and support to all our users throughout the world.
They note the following also.
In addition for those of you in Utah and nearby we will be doing a full three hours at the Riverton Family History Library in Riverton, Utah, on June 18. Below is the link to the schedule. The Saturday program is listed under June 18. We are doing the keynote address and two sessions. One on an orientation to The FH Guide and the other aimed at teaching/training with TFHG.
We are in the process of preparing the BYU Family History Library webinar schedule for June so you can look forward to another round of stimulating and interesting genealogy webinars.

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