
Friday, June 10, 2016

More important than the difficulty

I have written recently about some of the challenges in working with all of the inherited data in the Family Tree. However, I should not fail to mention the benefits. After spending many hours untangling the duplicate entries and working through the unsupported additions to families, I was able to find more than a few new people to add to the Family Tree and then, in the evening, go to the Temple and again take a family name. All of the effort and overcoming problems is worth it. There is a reason why I would go through all of the frustration and spend the time to work out the difficult relationships and in the end, we can have the satisfaction of progressing a little further in our family history.

The most interesting part of this whole experience is the fact that the tools provided by FamilySearch are now sufficient to resolve some of these most difficult problems. Quoting from the website:
Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness enables family relationships to continue throughout eternity. Through family history work, we can learn more about our ancestors, identify and prepare the names of those who need gospel ordinances, and perform ordinance work for them in holy temples. The Church provides many resources to help us learn about our family history and participate in temple work for the dead.
This is most certainly true. I only feel badly that more members of the Church cannot understand the huge opportunity we have to finally overcome some of these challenges.

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