
Friday, August 26, 2016

It's not too early to start thinking about RootsTech 2017

Quoting from the website:
Come to RootsTech and experience the world of family history and technology. RootsTech is the premiere family history event where attendees, speakers, exhibitors, and industry leaders from more than 100 countries and all 50 US states gather to celebrate the discovery, preservation, and sharing of the family—past, present, and future—through technology and innovation.
 OK, so my world revolves more around the next webinar and presentation I have on my schedule than any activity planned for months in advance. But considering my advanced age, time passes rather quickly and it is only a few very short months until the next big go around at RootsTech 2017 in Salt Lake City, Utah.

So far, I have been able to attend every one of the events. One question I am asked is whether or not I will be presenting a class or whatever. Last year, I taught a couple of classes for the vendors but not in the overall schedule. I found that I was so busy talking and meeting, that it was a relief not to have to worry about a major presentation. In any event, if anyone wanted to hear me talk or see me present, there are a number of webinars, with seven more in the month of September, 2016 scheduled for the Brigham Young University Family History Library YouTube Channel and I will likely be doing more right up to the time of the RootsTech 2017 Conference.

If you are coming any distance to Salt Lake City, you really need to start planning now to attend, including making hotel or other arrangements to stay near the conference. Here in Provo, we have the FrontRunner, a train that runs from Provo to Salt Lake regularly that we can use to avoid the cost of staying Salt Lake or paying for parking. We also have relatives who have been kind enough to allow us to stay.

It is a fabulous experience to see and talk to so many people who are interested in genealogy, especially when you are surrounded by people who could care less about their family history and think you are somewhat strange for your involvement. If you can't come, I will still be blogging away about my activities and impressions of the Conference, like I have in years past. But this last year, I got so busy talking, I didn't do quite as much writing. I think that might happen again this year.

Thanks to all of you out there who said hello. It is great to see all of you even if it is only once a year a huge convention.

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