
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

To merge or not to merge -- Is that a question?

Hubble Astronomer Creates Spectacular Galaxy Collision Visualization for the National Air and Space Museum by *Credit:* F. Summers (Space Telescope Science Institute [ ]), C. Mihos (Case Western Reserve University), L. Hernquist (Harvard University)
My apologies to Shakespeare, but we now have a relatively open field for merging duplicates in the Family Tree and this is creating a lot of work for some of us and lot of work and questions from others. Using the program, I have almost eliminated all the duplicated in my first six generations. I have started back eight or nine generations but it is getting harder and harder to find an example to use for a blog post. Here is a screenshot of the search on six generations from my Grandfather:

From here, you can click on the person's ID number and go directly to the person in the Family Tree. Here is the first person on the list:

At this point, you need to click on the "Possible Duplicates" link.

Now, look carefully at the entries. Both of these John Bryants were born in England. My ancestor was born in New South Wales, Australia. Neither of these is a duplicate. Now, it is possible that they were entered under the impression that my John Bryant was born in England, but there is no way to conclude that they are the same person, especially with the entry that has the wife listed as Mrs. John Bryant. So in this case, I will indicate that both of these proffered duplicates are "Not a Match."

To finish the process, I go back to and mark the link as "Fixed."

In just a few minutes you can work your way through several potential duplicates, but as you can see from this example, the possible duplicates may not be duplicates at all.


  1. Brother Tanner, in case you have not already been notified, your Find-A-Record link (above) has a serious problem. Please check it ASAP.

    1. Whew, thanks. What a problem. These sites use typos to direct links or mistyping to commercial or other undesirable websites. The problem was I inadvertently typed the name of the website as it appears on the website, not as it is in the address. I call them Vampire Sites, they are sucking the blood out of the Internet.
