Saturday, October 1, 2016
Error Checking with Geneanet is the new partner program from France. Shortly after receiving the notice of the new partnership, I imported my "family tree" from the Family Family Tree directly into a Geneanet family tree and began exploring the new (to me) program. The first thing that caught my eye was the automatic error checking feature. The errors detected are different than those picked up by the FamilySearch Family Tree icons and some of the newly detected Geneanet errors made me go immediately to the Family Tree to see what was going on.
The first error was as follows:
When I looked at the Geneanet family tree, there was a problem. But in going back to the FamilySearch Family Tree, there was someone with the same name but the problem apparently came through an error in moving the data from the Family Tree to Geneanet. I made the correction in the Geneanet family tree, but the error message still showed. I spent some more time with the program and ended up deleting the individuals who were in error and re-entering the correct information.
But moving on, I began a review of the other errors indicated by the list. The errors noted were useful in re-examining the information. The issues noted also seem to be different than those indicated by the Family Tree warning icons and the information obtained from It looks like to me that we now have another very valuable FamilySearch partner program to add to the ones already available.
This partnership appears to be a very beneficial aid to genealogy research through familysearch family tree. I'm curious, how did you load your familysearch tree into geneanet?
Actually, I have a copy in RootsMagic that I used to export a GEDCOM.