
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Transcribing Early American Manuscript Sermons or TEAMS

Quoting from the website,
Transcribing Early American Manuscript Sermons, or TEAMS, is a collaborative scholarly effort to make the voluminous archival record of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century ecclesiastical worship more accessible to academic researchers, pastors, and the general public. This digital archive houses dozens of sermons transcribed from the papers of Baptist, Episcopalian, Catholic, and Congregational ministers who preached up and down the Atlantic coast of North America.
Genealogists are sometimes so focused on finding their ancestors that they take little time to understand them and learn about their history. This collection of sermons might help some of us to fill in the gaps in our understanding of our ancestors as well as identify some of them who were preachers.

I am constantly amazed at the amount and variety of information that is constantly flowing into the internet. I continue to make new discoveries almost daily and finding a website like this is always really interesting. By the way, the website could use some design work, blue on blue is really hard to read.

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