
Thursday, November 17, 2016

Google Translate adds Neural Networking

Neural Machine Translation is a recent development that adds immensely more accurate translations. Very recently, Google Translate added the following features:
Neural Machine Translation has been generating exciting research results for a few years and in September, our researchers announced Google's version of this technique. At a high level, the Neural system translates whole sentences at a time, rather than just piece by piece. It uses this broader context to help it figure out the most relevant translation, which it then rearranges and adjusts to be more like a human speaking with proper grammar. Since it’s easier to understand each sentence, translated paragraphs and articles are a lot smoother and easier to read. And this is all possible because of end-to-end learning system built on Neural Machine Translation, which basically means that the system learns over time to create better, more natural translations. 
Today [November 15, 2016] we’re putting Neural Machine Translation into action with a total of eight language pairs to and from English and French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Turkish. These represent the native languages of around one-third of the world's population, covering more than 35% of all Google Translate queries!
Google Translate is an indispensable addition to any genealogist's toolbox. the program presently translates text to and from 103 languages. I tried out the translation on part of one of my blog posts and this is what I got in Spanish:
English Version
My wife is very actively researching Swedish records and so I note when some of them become available. If you would like to see the most recent letters in the Historical Record Collections, you just click on the column heading entitled, " Last Updated" and the column will be sorted according to the most recent date. You can see the List and the reference to the Last Updated above on the screenshot in the upper-right.
Google Translate's Spanish version
Mi esposa está investigando activamente registros suecos y así que noto cuando algunos de ellos están disponibles. Si desea ver las cartas más recientes en las colecciones de registros históricos de, simplemente haga clic en el encabezado de columna titulado "Última actualización" y la columna se clasificará según la fecha más reciente. Puede ver la lista y la referencia a la última actualización anterior en la captura de pantalla en la parte superior derecha.
If you speak Spanish you can make your own evaluation of the translation. If not, take my word that the Spanish is a very good translation of the English. Here is what happens if  I now take the Spanish version and translate it back into English.
Google Spanish Version
Mi esposa está investigando activamente registros suecos y así que noto cuando algunos de ellos están disponibles. Si desea ver las cartas más recientes en las colecciones de registros históricos de, simplemente haga clic en el encabezado de columna titulado "Última actualización" y la columna se clasificará según la fecha más reciente. Puede ver la lista y la referencia a la última actualización anterior en la captura de pantalla en la parte superior derecha.  
Back into English
My wife is actively researching Swedish records and so I notice when some of them are available. If you want to see the most recent charts in historical record collections, simply click on the column header titled "Last Update" and the column will be sorted by the most recent date. You can view the list and the reference to the last update above in the screenshot at the top right.
Looks pretty good to me. You can also set up Google Translate to automatically translate any webpage that you find in another language into English except for the words that appear in images.

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