
Sunday, December 11, 2016

How to Actually Find New Names to Take to the Temples -- Part Five

In this installment about finding new people to add to the Family Tree, I have progressed to the point where I have selected my first family for research. I am not directly related to James Turner, b. 1825. He is married to one of my cousins. But this is the family I have chosen to start with. My first step is to standardize all the dates and places. This gives the Family Tree program a better opportunity to find Record Hints. I will also look at and evaluate the places and the see if the Record Hints that are already showing are accurate and that the places listed for the children's life events are consistent.

Well, surprise. I guess by doing this in public and online, I get the benefit of the collaborative nature of the Family Tree. Someone, obviously identified by the link in the Family Tree, has done most of what needed to be done for James Turner.

There is still some work to do with the children listed in the family, but James Turner's christening record was found by my helpful Family Tree associate and there is now a temple opportunity to seal James Taylor to his parents. When this happens, you always wonder if the other user is a relative on your line or the line of the unrelated spouse. But here, either way, new individuals have been added to the Family Tree and as a result, there are additional temple ordinances that need to be done. Here are the newly added people.

The rule here is that I can seal the husband of my cousin to his parents, but the present rule does not allow me to do additional temple work on his line because he is not a bloodline relative.

Essentially, this is the end of my example. My next step would be to work on adding the families of the children of James Turner and Anne Bryant. They and their descendants are my cousins and as I add in their families I will very likely find additional names to take to the temple.

Everything I did to get to this part of the Family Tree is necessary to increase the likelihood that I am related to the people I find (or someone else working on the same family finds).

Past posts in this series:

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