
Saturday, January 28, 2017

Teaching and Helping with The Family History Guide

For some time now, I have been using The Family History Guide as a supplement to recommend when helping patrons in the Brigham Young University Family History Library and as a mention in presenting classes and webinars. Today, I had the opportunity to help at a Family History Event sponsored by one of the BYU Student Stakes for the BYU students in their stake. I spent about two hours helping the students one-on-one and rather than showing them any of the other websites, I used the Projects in The Family History Guide as the basis for showing them how to answer their questions.

In every case each of the young people, I helped, immediately recognized the value of the structured and sequenced approach to solving the questions they had about resolving their own questions as well as its application as a teaching tool. One of the students was a newly called Family History Consultant for her ward and was especially enthusiastic about the resources of the website.

The Family History Guide opens a whole new perspective and as is indicated on the website, "The Family History Guide can be your difference maker."

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