
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

LDS Family History Resources from #RootsTech 2017

RootsTech 2017 was a wonderful opportunity to learn about what is going on in the genealogy community and to learn more about family history in general. For those who are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, there were quite a number of classes and presentations targeted at this particular aspect of the Conference. Here are some links to classes and presentations that will be of interest to an LDS audience.

First, there are a lot of things of interest to anyone in the genealogical community.

See videos of each session at "Did You Miss a Session." There are full session videos and selected class videos for each day. I suggest the following

Bryan Austad
Building Powerful Youth Consultants

Crystal Farish; Rhonna Farrer
Family History is Anything but Boring

Anne Metcalf; Gregg Richardson
Getting Started with Finding Your Ancestors

Brian Braithwaite; Linda Gulbrandsen; Ryan Koelliker; Stephen Shumway
FamilySearch and Partners: Using All the Resources to Find Your Ancestors

Rod DeGiulio
Understanding Your Family History Calling

Diane Loosle
Begin at the Beginning 2017: Helping Others Love Family History

I also think it is a good idea to watch the entire Family Discovery Day presentations. However, these are on Here is the link to the RootTech Family Discovery Day 2017 presentations. But as I write this, the videos do not seem to be working. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the recommendations. There's so much to read and watch "post-RootsTech" that this will help me get to the "good stuff" first!
