
Sunday, March 12, 2017

New Temple and Family History Consultant Training being added regularly

There are two major links on for training options for Temple and Family History Consultants at all levels of experience and interest. Of course, you have to first login to the website. The first link to the training is located under the Families and Individuals tab. Here is a screenshot.

The second way to find the instructional material is through the Serve and Teach tab.

You need to click on the "All Callings" link. You will then see the All Callings page and you need to choose Family History.

In both cases, you will find a wealth of videos and other materials explaining your family history calling in detail. The is currently no excuse for any member called to a family history calling to feel that they do not know what it is that they are supposed to do.

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff, but almost too much. I'd love to see some streamlining
