Tuesday, March 21, 2017
What's New with The Family History Guide
Some websites have a "What's New" section that never seems to be kept up-to-date. The Family History Guide is the exception. It's What's New section is very up-to-date and detailed. One of the latest additions to the website is the Online Tracker system for registered users of the website. The idea of the tracker system is to provide both the individuals using the website and those using the website to teach others with a way to "track" or record progress in working through the Projects, Goals and Choices in the program. Of course, the paper-based system using Microsoft Word forms is still available.
To begin, after you register and sign in, you are given a list of Projects to track. Let's suppose you are just starting out and click on the first Project. Here is a screenshot of the list:
If I select Project 1: Family Tree, this is the first online tracking sheet.
You can see a list of choices and a place to keep notes and mark the status of completion or mastery of the subject. The status slider gives four possible states: not started, started, good, and proficient.
By referring to the tracker sheets, an individual or instructor can immediately see both the progress of the individual or where they might need help.
From time to time, I have been asked about how this website will be kept up-to-date. I can assure all of the users that we diligently reviewing the program, but it is also a good idea to notice that there is a Contact link at the bottom of some of the pages. You can use this for suggestions, questions and comments about content that may have become unavailable for some reason.
Excellent summary - thanks, James!