
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

24 New Videos in One Month Added to the BYU Family History Library YouTube Channel

By the end of the month of May 2017, the Brigham Young University Family History Library will have added 24 new videos to our YouTube Channel. We are not quite up to one a day, but getting close. Here are a few of the new videos.

English Research: Finding a Women's Maiden Name Using the GRO Site - Kathryn Grant

Critical Analysis of Researching in Depth - James Tanner

Getting People Into Family History - Bob Taylor

We have a full schedule of videos in June. Here is the latest schedule.

Of course, there may be a few unforeseen changes, but barring those, we will be online and the videos will be uploaded. In addition, there will certainly be a few more shorter instructional videos added as well.

Remember to subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

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