
Thursday, June 15, 2017

LDS Genealogical Resources at Brigham Young University -- Part Three

From the Research Wiki:
1907-1983 Annual Genealogical Report-Form E and Form 42FP 
The Church began using these forms in 1907 and kept them concurrently with the membership records. These forms do not list each member in the ward or branch. They only include entries about people who were blessed, baptized, ordained to priesthood offices, sent or returned from missions, married, divorced, or died during the year. Form E was used by stakes. Form 42FP was used in the mission field. Form 42FP included yearly sections for members who emigrated to Zion and full-time missionaries who worked in the area during the year from 1911 to 1962. You must search the Annual Genealogical Reports year by year because they are not indexed. Some researchers prefer these annual reports because they were compiled within a year of each event listed.
Today, very few members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are aware that detailed historical records of the early members of the Church have been kept over the years. Many of these valuable records are available in microfilm format at the BYU Family History Library.

Researching at the BYU Family History Libary gives researchers access to all the resources of the vast Harold B. Lee Library and these resources include a significant collection of LDS related records.

If you do a quick search in the Library catalog for LDS records, you can see that there are over 7,000 entries.

Here are a few other specialized collections at the Library of general LDS interest.

There are many similar publications and collections in the L. Tom Perry Special Collections Library section called Mormonism, Utah, and the West

Here are some addition Special Collections items:

To start your search, use the general Library Catalog and put in the names and surnames of your ancestors. Then start searching for places and general geographic areas. You will continue to find interesting and helpful documents. 

Please see the previous posts in this series.

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