
Saturday, July 8, 2017

When performance is measured, performance improves

In the October 1970 General Conference, President Thomas S. Monson, then a counselor in the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said the following:
"When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported, the rate of improvement accelerates" (see Thomas S. Monson, in Conference Report, Oct. 1970, 107).
For the past few years, family history activity in the Church has been measured and reported by "Key Indicator" reports to the Stake Presidents. Beginning very recently, the reports have been changed and are now called "Family History Reports." Distribution of the reports has expanded considerably and the reports are now available to many of the Stake and Ward leaders and Temple and Family History Consultants. The colorful reports contain valuable information about the progress of family history in each of the Wards and Stakes of the Church.

If a leader or Temple and Family History Consultant is authorized to receive the reports, they will be available on when the member signs into the website. The reports are located in a drop-down menu available from clicking on the member's name by clicking on the link to Leader and Clerk Resources.

Stake Leaders and Consultants will see the stake reports and Ward Leaders and Consultants will see the Ward reports.

These reports should become a valuable tool for the Temple and Family History Consultants in the Church. In some Stakes, the percentages of participation vary widely between individual Wards. Likewise, individual Stakes also vary widely in their members' participation in family history activities. Overall, I have noted a general decline in indexing activity in talking to members of various Wards and Stakes who have the reports. I am also finding that many Wards and Stakes are either unaware of the reports or ignoring them. If you are a Temple and Family History Consultant and registered as such on the Church's Membership and Leaders Services (MLS) website, you should have access to your Ward or Stake's report. Check with your Ward or Stake Clerk to make sure you are registered properly. There is a FamilySearch Help Center document that specifically gives instructions on properly specifying family history callings. The article is entitled, "Specifying family history callings in Leader and Clerk Resources (LCR)." Please provide your clerks with these instructions if there appears to be a problem in accessing the reports.

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