
Sunday, September 24, 2017

A Records Preservation Mission Call

My wife and I have recently been called to serve as full-time missionaries in the Washington, D.C. North Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as record preservation specialists. We will serve for one year. We enter the Mission Training Center (MTC) on December 4, 2017.

As many of our friends and acquaintances know, we have both been serving as part-time Church Service missionaries for many years, first at the Mesa FamilySearch Library and then, most recently, at the Brigham Young University Family History Library on the campus. But since this mission is a full-time calling, we will have to spend whatever time is necessary to fulfill our callings and likely I will have to take an extended vacation from regular blogging.

Since we have been doing genealogical research for our own families and for those of many others, we feel this is an opportunity to contribute directly to the information available to genealogists and family historians around the world. Here is another link that explains what we will likely be doing.

FamilySearch Records Preservation Missionaries


  1. Congratulations! I just found you inthepast two months and the wonderful videos you have done for the BYU family history library and want to say thank you and best wishes. You have helped me learn a lot and I know you will be successful. I hope to follow you next year into the mission field.

    1. You are welcome. It remains to be seen how much publishing and such I will be able to do on a full-time mission.

  2. Congrats. I will miss the daily plus reads. I stopped by the library twice to see you this past week, but only could come in the mornings. I was setting up the "Moses' Tabernacle" on campus. Ask Sister Woodruff.

    1. If you come to the Library again in the next two months, let me know by email or phone and I will come down and meet with you.

  3. This is a calling and one for which you are both highly qualified.
    - Alan Rohwer (aka boxborolad)

  4. Fantastic. You will make great discoveries and friends on this mission!
