
Thursday, November 23, 2017

Web Indexing Opens a New World of Opportunities
Many of us have long anticipated web indexing as a way to expand the opportunity to become more readily involved in indexing. Desktop software is machine specific. This means that if I am using an Apple Macintosh computer, I need to have an Apple compatible program. The same thing applies to every other operating system. Online programs are usable on any operating system that connects to the internet using a browser program such as Chrome, Edge or Firefox.

My experience is that web indexing is easier and far more convenient than the older desktop-based program. I can also do web indexing on a tablet with a keyboard. I understand that participation in indexing is down since the introduction of the web indexing program. Hopefully, those "old timers" who have been doing indexing for a long time will adapt to the online web-based program. I have found it quite easy to learn and efficient for entering the data.

Because of my many other activities, I am not likely to become a major contributor to the indexing effort, but during the next year, I hope to help supply a lot more digitized records for the indexing effort.

I suggest clicking on the link above and reading the FamilySearch blog post about web indexing.

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