
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

A Family History Mission: Arriving in Annapolis, Maryland

Maryland State Capitol
No. 13

Note: You can do a Google search for "A Family History Mission" to see all the previous posts in this ongoing series. You can also search for "James Tanner genealogy" and find them.

After five days of traveling, we are finally arriving in Washington D.C. It turned out that we were just in time to attend a Missionary Multi-District Meeting. The last day of driving saw us cross the rest of Indiana, then across Ohio and into a part of West Virginia and on to Maryland where we spent the night before we begin driving the rest of the way into Washington, D.C.

We got a late start on our next-to-the-last day of driving but still drove about eight hours. We have done marathon twelve and fourteen-hour drives in the past, but that was usually when we did not have to drive the next day. If you are driving day after day, it is a good idea to pace yourself. We also do not enjoy driving at night. Years ago, I could leave home after work on Friday and drive all night to get to Utah, but those days are past.

We stopped about two hours away from Washington, D.C. on the last night of the trip because we could see that there was a lot of traffic around the city and thought it would be better to approach the city in daylight. We are experienced enough with D.C. traffic to realize that the beltway is really one long parking lot.

We need to get settled into our new-to-us apartment and run a few errands. Stay tuned for our first introduction to life in Annapolis, Maryland. 


  1. glad you made it in safely. Driving is tough but there’s no jet lag :-)

  2. We did "lose" two hours driving east, but we will get them back on the way home.
