
Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Changes for
Beginning on December 13, 2017, will require all users to register for a free account and sign-in to use the website. Those who have already registered will simply have to sign-in every time they go to the website. Many of us, already sign-in routinely. However previously, many of the resources on the website did not require user sign-in.

The reason for this change is summarized by FamilySearch as follows:
Patron sign in will also enable FamilySearch to satisfy the ongoing need for user authentication. This authentication can deliver rich, personalized discovery, collaboration, and help experiences. Simply put, signed-in visitors can access more searchable content and enjoy more personalized services.
Essentially, the issue is website security and preserving the integrity of the information. Access to many records and the Family Tree have always required registration and signing in.

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