
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

RootsTech 2019 and Family History

Family Discovery Day at RootsTech 2019 will likely prove just as interesting and inspiring as it was in 2018. Family Discovery Day has been scheduled for the last day of the general RootsTech 2019 Conference on March 2, 2019. In 2018, the Family Discovery Day was scheduled to begin with the classes starting at 10:00 am and general session at 1:00 pm. The schedule for 2019 has yet to be announced, but it is likely to be similar.

The RootsTech 2019 Conference begins on February 27, 2019. I suggest that you might want to sign up for the entire Conference to include attending the Family Discovery Day activities on Saturday. Either way, you need to start making plans now to attend. The attendance on Saturday is usually very crowded and in past years there have been limits on the number of tickets to the conference they had available.

I am already looking forward to attending this next year's conference. I missed RootsTech 2018 for a good reason that of serving a full-time mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

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