
Friday, August 10, 2018

New Collections Updates from FamilySearch Changing Directions

I recently pointed out that the weekly updates about additions of new records to the website have been segregated with the new images going into the Catalog and the newly indexed images going into the Historical Record Collections. It appeared that they were trying to make sure that all the records in the Historical Record Collections were indexed. However, recent notices, such as the one above for the week of August 6, 2018, send a mixed message. There is a large collection of Italian records that are images only and have apparently been added to the Historical Record Collections.

The conclusion right now is that if you want to find a record on, you need to search for records BOTH in the Historical Record Collections and in the Catalog. For a brief explanation, see the following:

Where are the Digitized Records on


  1. This is mostly supposition, but since FamilySearch is working hard to digitize every microfilm those digitizations are noted in the catalog. Collections that are in the process of being indexed or scheduled for indexing probably get added to the Historical Records list as well. There are likely many microfilms that don't lend themselves to becoming a 'collection' suitable for indexing and there is a priority list of collections to be indexed.

    So, if it's being indexed or scheduled to be indexed you might see it in the Historical Collections list. Microfilm currently being digitized, but not in the to be indexed queue will only be in the Catalog - that's my interpretation anyway.

    1. That sounds like a good guess at what is going on. But some of the unindexed record collections have been in the Historical Record Collections for a long time.
