
Monday, September 10, 2018

A Family History Mission: Hurricane Preparedness

No. 81

Note: You can do a Google search for "A Family History Mission James Tanner" to see all the previous posts in this ongoing series. You can also search for "James Tanner genealogy" and find them or click back through all the posts.

We are usually prepared with a supply of food. If we were home in Provo, we would have our "year's supply" plus a gas grill to cook on and a whole lot of other important items. But here in an apartment in Annapolis we have limited space and need to consider that what we have left we either give away or throw away or try to pack into our car. We did buy some water and some bananas. Actually, we bought a few more things but some were things we would have purchased anyway.

Do we think the hurricane will hit us here in Annapolis? From the maps today, Monday, with a hurricane coming on Wednesday, it looks like we get the edge of it and a lot of rain. Sam's Club was not being mobbed by purchasers and they had a huge stock of water and were hauling in more. No empty shelves here.

Our apartment is right next to the Spa Creek but we are on the second floor and not too concerned that any water will get to us. The main issue is all the trees. If the wind blows the trees will come down and the power might be off for a while. If it comes to Thursday and I am not posting, you can guess that the power is off.

If the power does go off, we would not be able to work at the Archives. With no computers and our phones on limited charges, we would have to watch what we use to keep the phone going as long as possible. We can always charge the phones in the car, however. We are definitely in one of the areas that are high risk.

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