
Sunday, October 28, 2018

Church Statement on Local Celebrations, Including Pageants
Beginning when I was a teenager living in Phoenix, Arizona, the annual Mesa Easter Pageant at the Mesa, Arizona Temple has been an institution. The production has changed from a local sparsely attended event to a major dramatic production with a huge stage and a cast of hundreds. Many of the people who are in charge of the Mesa Pageant spend the major part of their time during the entire years preparing for the event.
Attending the Pageant has become an annual, family affair. Apparently, all this is about to change. On 27 October 2018, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints made an official statement concerning pageants and other large productions. The statement says, in part:
Larger productions, such as pageants, are discouraged. As it relates to existing pageants, conversations with local Church and community leaders are underway to appropriately end, modify or continue these productions.
I certainly recognize the problems addressed by this statement. Although I have enjoyed attending pageants over the years, I have often questioned the efficacy and utility of the productions. Just as I have come to the conclusion that family history must be ultimately taught one-on-one, I have come to see the need for a focus on "gospel learning in homes" as the most efficacious way to affect the lives of others. 


  1. "Just as I have come to the conclusion that family history must be ultimately taught one-on-one, I have come to see the need for a focus on 'gospel learning in homes' as the most efficacious way to affect the lives of others."

    So true. Nothing wrong with the pageants and many people have benefitted from them over the years. But "efficacious" is definitely key here. We need to focus on the most efficient and effective use of time and other resources.

  2. This statement reminds me of something from Br Elder D. Todd Christofferson's October 2018 Conference Address. "Most of us find ourselves at this moment on a continuum between a socially motivated participation in gospel rituals on the one hand and a fully developed, Christlike commitment to the will of God on the other."

    I think perhaps that the brethren are trying to teach us that much of the socially motivated culture of members of The Church of Jesus Christ is perhaps distracting us from the best choice (out of good, better, best) of what to do with our precious time in the latter days. Perhaps we should spend this time ministering, in the temple receiving ordinances for our relatives, or other service activities.
