
Wednesday, October 24, 2018

New Discovery Fan Chart Options on FamilySearch Family Tree

The options for viewing the fan chart previously on the Consultant Planner have been moved to be available for all users of the Family Tree. In addition to the already available Family Lines view, You can also view the fan chart by Birth Country, Sources, Stories, and Photos. You might also note that you can now extend the chart out to 7 generations.

Here is an example of the Birth Country View:

Granted, my ancestral lines are not very surprising or exciting, but yours may be entirely different. You should also realize that the countries won't be correct if the entries in the Family Tree are wrong. This applies to all of the varies options.

Here is the same chart showing Sources:

The one person on my chart who has no sources does not really exist. Since no one has any sources to support his identity, he is really a figment of someone's imagination. But you might be surprised at how many people claim relationship to me through this unsupported line.

Here is another example. This one is the Stories selection:

It doesn't look like we are doing quite as well with stories as we are with other information in the Family Tree.

The last example is for Photos:

You can cut me some slack here. Photography wasn't developed until around 1838 and I did start these examples with my Great-grandfather who was born in 1852. Here is what the chart looks like with seven generations from one of my grandfathers.

Bear in mind that this chart starts with my Grandfather and so this is actually nine generations from me. I would have four of these charts.

Time to get involved with the Family Tree again and take a look at your charts.


  1. Great Visualization of our Families if you print all 4 of the Grandparents charts and place them on a table together. I definitely need to get more work done. Thanks
